DigiCard: A customizable solution by Anur Technologies for businesses

Anur Tech
May 06, 2024

Establishing and maintaining strong customer relationships is crucial for business success. For this, reaching out to new customers and interacting with them is a requirement.

The traditional in-person interactions between businesses and customers have also gradually shifted to digital platforms with new solutions such as DigiCard. This has resulted in an increased focus on creating emotional connections and delivering exceptional user experiences that benefit businesses and customers.

In this article, we will cover what are DigiCard

and how Anur Technologies helps businesses build and sustain customer relationships.

What is DigiCard?

DigiCard is a digital version of business cards with integrated functionality of sales CRM. It is a customizable solution that helps businesses to convert cold connections into sales. These cards are designed to go beyond traditional business cards, offering various functionalities like NFC tags, QR codes, and multimedia integrations.

Eelier, business cards served as tangible reminders of professional connections, exchanged during meetings, conferences, or chance encounters. However, as technology continues to transform how businesses communicate and interact, the limitations of traditional business cards have become increasingly apparent.

Anur Technologies’ DigiCard solution aims to bridge the gap between the digital and physical world, allowing for effortless accessibility, customization, and unlimited sharing capabilities.

DigiCard solution by Anur Technologies

Anur Technologies offers DigiCard solutions that cater to major companies across diverse industries in India and across the globe. We offer a wide range of DigiCard to our customers.


CXO Card

A metallic card featuring essential demographic details, replacing the physical business card for top-level executives.

Field Sales Agent Card

Designed for sales agents with all the necessary tools for swift sales fulfillment and where sales agents can manage & add leads, follow up on existing leads, and nurture valuable business relationships at every step of the sales process.


Employee Identity Card

A plastic NFC card featuring demographic details, replacing the physical business card for employees with various human resource management features.


Customer Card

A comprehensive card designed for the seamless management of insurance policies, tailored to fulfill the needs of insurers by facilitating efficient user management at every stage.

What are the features of AnurTech DigiCard?

DigiCard by Anur Technologies are made for companies of any size as they can generate digital cards for each member of their team.

The user only needs to scan the QR code to get the DigiCard holder contact details & their digital profile instantly. For added convenience, they can tap the impressive plastic or metallic card on a mobile phone to utilize the NFC feature. Plus, cardholders can easily share the DigiCard link via WhatsApp, SMS, or email for added ease.

Promoting Brand

Effortlessly present offers and schemes to customers at once, driving sales and inquiries.

Generate Leads

Boost sales and inquiries by including your product presentations and lead magnet on the Digi card.

Easy add-ons

Training, product quiz & support resources add-ons to maximize sales effectiveness.

Multilingual Platform

Integrated multilingual platform with voice guidance & dynamic language-switching capabilities.

Instant Web Access

The card features a compact 2.5 KB link for seamless interaction between sales agents and customers.

Seamless Integration

Seamlessly integrate with core systems and HRMS systems for streamlined operations.

Sharing Details

Easily share contact details, social media links, emails, and more with customers via NFC and QR code, simply by tapping the impressive plastic or metallic card on a mobile phone.

Payment Integration

Anur Tech’s Digicard can integrate payment gateways. This functionality enables businesses to facilitate transactions directly from their DigiCard, which can result in revenue growth.

This helps businesses to use DigiCard and increase their brand recognition while consolidating all business contacts in one centralized platform. This results in efficiency and connectivity. Anur Technologies’ DigiCard offer various features, including:


During this digital era, it is important for businesses in any industry to level up and implement innovative solutions like DigiCard. They help in building professional relationships while saving costs and helping in revenue growth.

Anur Technologies’ DigiCard with Sales CRM solution helps businesses to cultivate and sustain customer relationships by prioritizing business connections, user experience, and data-driven personalization.

To know more, contact AnurTech today.